Saturday, April 26, 2008

Words Do Matter

"Its only words and words are all I have to take your heart away"
- one of the most famous songs by Boyzone

When I heard this song for the very first time little did I know that it would play such an important part in my life. To elaborate they are my courage and witt..My husband and I stay some 2000 kms away from each other, and there are only words that keep us going together. Well, some think we are idiots to live like this..some have actually abused us for it. And at times it really gets in to us and we think negative, but again there are words that keep up the spirit..give us the reassurance that every thing will be fine soon enough. Oh.. oh.. guys hold on to your thoughts before they wander..we didnt run away to get married..we are legally husband and wife with our parents as witnesses but there are a few commitments that had been made previously which we are bound to meet, both professionally and personally, before we see ourselves settling down together.

I never imagined that those three beautiful words 'I love you' could bind two people together, especially when spoken from 2000 kms away. You can never think what reassurance an 'I am there with you' feel everything will go fine. But trust me its not that easy. There are times when words fall short of emotions..when they are pushed behind and tears take their times what you only need is a silent hug from that very person. And when the realisation, that the person if too far away, sets in it brings with it loads of frustration and sense of insecurity.

The time you get to talk is your own and no one gets to interfere with it..not even nature..if you've decided to converse at a specific time everyday it kinda becomes a norm..and if someday it doesnt happen it get really tough. Is that wrong? Is it being unfair? Maybe but its my time and why would I allow someone snatch it away from me. For people like us who stay away from their spouse its the only means to know about each other and keep up the togetherness. Some might argue that is conversation so necessary that lack of it can lead to troubles? We would say certainly it is needed esp for our genre coz they alternate for physical presence..they have only words to visualise what their better half want to me its the oxygen for survival.

And I am not being the agony aunt..its a true life experience...

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