Thursday, December 6, 2007

A beautiful poem I read...

Old fashioned movies
With true love to gain
Always remember romance
And kiss in the rain.

The only thing you have
Is the hope of his kiss
And waiting for the day
Is all that you miss

In love, in romance
Looking into his eyes
Is all you want to do
No time for any lies

So send him a text
Drop him a line
And maybe one day
He’ll take the time

He’ll fall for you
And never look back
Your life will be bright
No time for dark, no black

I hope he’s always there
To take away my pain
And to remember romance
And to kiss in the rain

Ohhhhh....guys hold on!!! It's not written by me. This one's written by Lottie Hammond. I loved I put it here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess your thought process resembles with Lottie Hammond's ;). Really nice lines .. if somebody can feel the depth of words :)........