Tuesday, December 25, 2007

triber.com is LIVE now !!!

triber.com : "makes your e-life easy"

Currently triber.com is rocking the web in the Netherlands. Very soon it would be launched in India and the US. So guys, just hold your breath till then..............

What is triber.com?

triber.com is online user friendliness under one roof. Your own website with helpful and easy functionalities like: homepage, web log, virtual hard disk, digital safe, address book, e-mail, photo library, link/bookmark page, hobby tool, calendar, sale tool and a music library.

You can keep the personal content on your website for yourself, share it with family, friends etc. or make it public.

Everything on-line, in connection with each other, with only one login name and password.

Mastiff being the Technical parter for triber.com feels proud to have its child up and rocking the web. The expertise of Mastiff in Product development have shaken the internet world over years. One more in the queue.........

Mastiff As the technical Partner: http://triber.nl/Corporate/Partners/partner_login.html


The triber.com vision

A vision of a world in which every individual is a resident of the digital world too. In which everyone, male or female, young or old, poor or rich, educated or less educated, can enrich his/here life with the advantages digital technology has to offer.

The triber.com mission

A mission to make the benefits of digital technology as relevant as possible and as easy to use as possible for its users. We are devoted to creating technology that adds value to life and saes time in the real world.

The triber.com social mission

triber.com is a company with a heart. That’s why we find it very hard to accept that people in one part of this beautiful planet live in wealth and people in other parts live in poverty. To us the Internet represents a unique way of helping to bridge this gap. The worldwide web is a way of tapping into unlimited knowledge that can support every individual in its personal development.

triber.com is driven to improve the ‘digital situation’ of people in the poorer regions of the world. For this reason triber.com has founded its own charity named Web For Child. Through this foundation triber.com is distributing personal computers to schools in the less developed countries. triber.com donates part of its revenues to this foundation. This way every member of triber.com is contributes to create better opportunities for every child, woman and man on this planet.

To know more about triber.com, please visit : http://www.triber.com


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Anonymous said...

What a great resource!